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Posts categorized under Melissa Mixon, Author at FAS At Your Service

FAS Concrete Results: How Procurement Office Hours Open Doors for Small Businesses

Miguel Alonso Bocanegra has seen firsthand how a City of Seattle contract can transform a small business. Over a decade ago, he started out on a work crew to soft cut and pour concrete. At the time, his employer had one truck. Once the company landed City contracts, their capacity… [ Keep reading ]

How SPU’s On-Call Contracts Give Smaller Engineering Firms a Foot in the Door

Whether boring a Ballard-to-Wallingford tunnel for millions of gallons of stormwater and sewage or installing culverts in the Tolt River watershed, consultants are essential to projects big and small overseen by Seattle Public Utilities (SPU). But which civil engineering and environmental consulting firms typically land those contracts?  Historically, larger national… [ Keep reading ]

Central Café Opens in Seattle Municipal Tower

City employees and visitors at Seattle Municipal Tower (SMT) have a new place to grab coffee, lunch and even something for their sweet tooth with the opening of the Central Café and Juice Bar in SMT in late November. With the café’s opening, the City will be returning life and… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Municipal Tower Now Fossil Fuel Free

The largest building owned by the City of Seattle, which serves as the worksite for more than 4,000 employees, has ended use of fossil fuels in building operations.  As of Nov. 1, 2023, the 62-story Seattle Municipal Tower (SMT) located in Seattle’s downtown core is now fully electric, joining only… [ Keep reading ]

FAS Leadership Transition

Calvin W. Goings, director of the City’s Department of Facilities and Administrative Services (FAS), is moving into a new role on the Olympic Peninsula after leading FAS for more than four years and serving the City for six. Goings served under two Mayoral administrations and oversaw one of the most… [ Keep reading ]

Furry 5K Registration Now Open, Benefits Seattle Animal Shelter on its 50th Anniversary

After operating virtually for two years, the annual Furry 5K will return in-person on June 12 at Seward Park. The event will bring together pet owners, community members, and some of the cutest dogs in the city for a 3.1-mile run, walk or roll all in the name of animal… [ Keep reading ]

FAS Recognized with 2021 Community Service Award for Standing Up Largest Civilian-led Vaccination Site

Teams in the Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) were recently recognized with the Seattle Management Association’s annual Community Service Award for FAS’ lead role in launching and operating the largest civilian-led vaccination site in the country at Lumen Field. The FAS team, known as the Lumen Unified Command… [ Keep reading ]

‘Priority Hire’ Approval to Create Local Construction Jobs for West Seattle Bridge Repairs

The U.S. Department of Transportation has approved the City of Seattle’s request to use “Priority Hire,” requiring that the contractor repairing the West Seattle Bridge hire from local economically distressed communities as it works to reopen the bridge by mid-2022. “Our top priority is supporting our residents and neighborhoods most… [ Keep reading ]

City Launches Disparity Study, New WMBE Advisory Committee to Ensure Equity in Contracting and Purchasing

 The City of Seattle will launch a new disparity study to make recommendations to remove inequities that exist in the City’s soliciting and procuring of contracts and awarding of public funds. “The City has a responsibility to make sure that Black, Indigenous, and people of color and women-owned firms have equitable opportunities to compete for City contracts,” said Mayor Jenny A. Durkan. “Through the launch of this study to create recommendations for changes, and the creation of a… [ Keep reading ]

Six Tips to Keep Pets Safe in the Heat

The Seattle area is expected to reach temperatures around 90 degrees this weekend, and pets are especially vulnerable in high heat. To help protect our furry friends, the Seattle Animal Shelter is providing the following tips to keep your pet safe during the heat. Never leave your animal unattended in… [ Keep reading ]