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‘Priority Hire’ Approval to Create Local Construction Jobs for West Seattle Bridge Repairs

The U.S. Department of Transportation has approved the City of Seattle’s request to use “Priority Hire,” requiring that the contractor repairing the West Seattle Bridge hire from local economically distressed communities as it works to reopen the bridge by mid-2022. “Our top priority is supporting our residents and neighborhoods most… [ Keep reading ]

City Launches Disparity Study, New WMBE Advisory Committee to Ensure Equity in Contracting and Purchasing

 The City of Seattle will launch a new disparity study to make recommendations to remove inequities that exist in the City’s soliciting and procuring of contracts and awarding of public funds. “The City has a responsibility to make sure that Black, Indigenous, and people of color and women-owned firms have equitable opportunities to compete for City contracts,” said Mayor Jenny A. Durkan. “Through the launch of this study to create recommendations for changes, and the creation of a… [ Keep reading ]

Six Tips to Keep Pets Safe in the Heat

The Seattle area is expected to reach temperatures around 90 degrees this weekend, and pets are especially vulnerable in high heat. To help protect our furry friends, the Seattle Animal Shelter is providing the following tips to keep your pet safe during the heat. Never leave your animal unattended in… [ Keep reading ]

Program Spotlight: FAS’ Cannabis Equity 

FAS’ Cannabis Regulatory Program came about in 2015, three years after cannabis legalization in Washington State. The City realized it needed someone to manage the implementation and integration of this new industry and Cherie MacLeod stepped into the role in 2014. Cherie maintained industry data before and after the passage… [ Keep reading ]

Behind-the-Scenes at Lumen Field

We’ve seen the media coverage of the Lumen Field COVID vaccination site, but what happens behind the scenes is like a race crew working to make their car run faster to beat a microscopic competitor who threatens to take the lead. Staff arrive more than three hours before the doors… [ Keep reading ]

FAS Welcomes New Animal Shelter Director

Animal protection and adoption professionals know that social equity plays a role in their work. For example, adoption requirements may eliminate people from marginalized groups if they require home ownership, a fenced yard, or a high fee. Esteban Rodriguez, the new Director of the Seattle Animal Shelter, wants to tackle… [ Keep reading ]

City Joins Pilot Program on ShakeAlert 

Those of us who experienced the 2001 Nisqually earthquake may think we are ready for the next time the Earth decides to shake. But seismologists predict the next one will make the Nisqually quake look like a kiddie ride. With up to a 25-percent chance of happening in the next… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor, FAS launch Mayoral WMBE Advisory Committee

To further the City of Seattle’s commitment to economic inclusion and contracting equity, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan and the City of Seattle’s Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) formally launched the Mayoral Women- and Minority-Owned Business (WMBE) Advisory Committee today. The Committee, established through Executive Order 2019-06, will provide guidance and feedback on City of Seattle contracting equity initiatives.  Mayor Durkan appointed 12 members to the advisory committee…. [ Keep reading ]

FAS Milestone Report on Community Vaccination Site at Lumen Field

A message from FAS Director Calvin W. Goings on Milestones at the Community Vaccination Site at Lumen Field Published April 26, 2021 View the Milestones Report Here Dear FAS Colleagues, It was just a little over a month ago that our department, working with partners at Swedish and First and… [ Keep reading ]

Ready to Sing and Dance Again: Resident Spotlight

For Lindsey Dabek, the pandemic has not only been hard because it’s kept her from friends and loved ones. Its also kept her from one of her greatest passions: performing live music with her band and dancing with friends. “Music is such a big part of my life and it’s… [ Keep reading ]