Fleet Management‘s mechanics maintain the 4,000 vehicles the City owns, from fire engines to Chevy Volts. Maintaining these vehicles require specialized skills for each vehicle type. This photo pictures FAS’ aerial team (L to R: auto mechanic’s Carolyn Arnold, Chris Swift, and Andy Hackenmiller) removing an aerial to be overhauled.
According to FM’s Division Director Chris Wiley, “The project will take hundreds of hours to disassemble and rebuild. All of the electrically-insulated fiberglass sections are stripped of paint and inspected, using an extremely bright light to look for cracks. Each metal weldment is mag-particle inspected for flaws prior to reassembly. All bushings, hoses and other wear parts are replaced.”
The Purchasing Team of Purchasing and Contracting held a day-long retreat at El Centro de La Raza on April 25. Team members did exercises on writing effective procurements, sharing skills and joining up with the procurement transformation project. The retreat featured guest facilitators from the Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab and the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation.
The Logistics and Emergency Management (LEM) division leads leads emergency planning/procurement, security services, access management, janitorial services, warehouse operations and mail distribution for the City.
LEM celebrated Scottish American and Arab American Heritage months at their April all-staff meeting by sampling culinary arts including Dolmas and shortcake cookies. Team members learned of the centuries old contributions Scottish Americans have made in America going back to the founding of the United States and the colonies beforehand while Arab American Heritage month was just recently formally recognized by the President and the US Congress within the last two years, the culmination of decades of work by the Arab American community to obtain designation of a cultural heritage month by local and federal governments. In both cases, the team learned about the fight for civil rights and social justice in both communities.
FAS staffers Layne Cubell (Real Estate Services), Luisa Madrigal (Facility Operations), Alex Rao, Chris Johnson and Queena Stone (Capital Development), along with Mary Mitchell, Division Director and staff from HSD Aging and Disability Services (ADS) Division, connected to discuss space planning. During the walkthrough, the FAS team provided valuable insights and recommendations on fitting office spaces to HSD ADS Division needs. FAS is committed to supporting our partners at HSD ADS Division in their efforts to provide quality services to the community.